Friday, October 30, 2009

"I love you Mom!"

For all those who love the Primary Program at church you will love this one! I had a few kids reluctant to go up at first, but they all made it there. Ryan was fun to watch being a sunbeam and not knowing much of the singing words. He had fun moving his hands around. Emma did great in reading her part. Many told Adam afterwards they were surprised she could read so well for her age. Come on people she is in 1st grade! Ammon would be a stinker by saying his part super fast and then walk away before he was really done. Jocelyn bore her testimony of the Savior and then had another speaking part. Ryan gets up and of course puts his mouth on the microphone...says his little part and then yells out "I love you Mom!" All I can say was too cute!!! It was so funny and I laughed quietly so hard that I was crying. He was so proud of his part, his chance to speak into the microphone, his minute of glory, and he yelled "I love you Mom!" when he was done. Reminded me of an athlete after his game winning act. What a sweetheart!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Sorry, long time no write!

I haven't posted anything for a long time, sorry! I'll have to post pictures later but it's been great this last while!! Mother's Day was fun even though I miss the party with the ladies in Idaho/Washington. Adam BBQ'd salmon and I got some fun things about what my kids think of their Mom....have it all on video!! We had a great trip to So. California but weather was not as warm as expected!!! We loved seeing Lindsey and Paul for a day, our friends from the Antelope Valley, watching our favorite Dodgers team, and seeing the parks at Disney and Knott's Berry Farm!!! Can't believe how scared our kids got and yet they still enjoyed it!! I think we don't have much hope for Emma. We scared her right away. She was hard at times but hope Christmas will be better with cousins to coax her instead of her parents!!
Can't forget our exciting weekend when we got back and celebrated Ammon's baptism and birthday the same day!! We had to fill the font ourselves so we just moved the BBQ at the church's pavilion!! We had some family come to celebrate and appreciate all those who came!!! Emma's birthday was hurried...she always get the raw end of the deal being the next day...but none the less we had church, a quick birthday party, and then went for a drive with my brother and wife's family to the Redwoods and California Coast. Beautiful and close. We had their daughter, Carlee, in our car on the way home...she felt sick..and puked in our van!!! Not pleasant, but we sent Jocelyn with them the next day to spend about a month in Boise!!
The Lakers are coming together and we hope to see them get that Championship on Sunday!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Emma's Playing Soccer

Now Jocelyn knows what it's like to have her hair loved by a baby!!! That's how I was when you were a baby Jocelyn and loved playing with my long hair!!!

Emma throwing the ball in...she's in little red shorts!! Adam as a ref and her coach!

Emma is starting soccer!!! And Adam is the coach!! Emma wouldn't be playing without Adam volunteering to do's funny because at the games the little kids call him "Coach". It's just cute to watch and Adam does a great job letting them run and kick, plus trying to ref at the same time. Emma did great and she was hot a lot! I think she was embarrassed when we were there at the game. I knew she would be like that...that's why we didn't go to practice!! Ryan wants to play too...he even ran out on the field yesterday during the game! Probably by the end of the season...end of May, they will understand where the ball goes to score and kick it to a teammate. It is all fun times!!!

Easter Weekend April 11-12, 2009

We had a good time hunting eggs at the "Outback" (where they have the 2nd graders) and then again in the Walmart parking lot in our community of Eagle Point. They had different sections for the different ages but lots of children came to participate. At the school they had free baskets, egg dye, grass, etc. all given through Walmart...things that didn't sell in past years! It was great because I really didn't have a basket for Jonah and Ammon had received one from his teacher the day previous. The parking lot was great fun but it was easily all done in about 5 minutes at both events. Jocelyn was sick that night with the flu so the next day I stayed home with her and Jonah and prepared our Easter dinner. We had ham, yummy potatoes, fruit and veggie platter, deviled eggs, and some rolls that were real sinkers...missing Grandma Sally's homemade orange rolls!!! The kids wanted me to do another egg hunt but I just never got around to it with Jocelyn getting sick....didn't get the time to fill the plastic eggs with candy. They got plenty anyhow. Nice to remind the kids that Easter is more than what goes on commercially but remember that it's the atonement and Resurrection of the Savior. The kids looked nice in their new outfits...Jocelyn didn't wears hers, but the boys and Emma looked cute with new clothes!! I even bought Ammon a suit for his baptism coming up June 6th!! Jonah and Ryan look cute as twins don't you think?!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Shocking stories the past 24 hours!!

First of all, yesterday while we walking in to church, Jocelyn was asked by her friend, Summer Stone, if she would sing with her in Sacrament Mtg. She said she would. Her and Summer sang "We'll bring the world His Truth" acapella. I couldn't believe it...she hates to sing in front of an audience. Even when it's Mother's Day, Father's Day, etc. and the whole Primary is up there she will not go up. She did so good, though I couldn't really see her behind the podium, and she sang softly. She was very embarrassed and she didn't want to ever sing again. Adam and I were so impressed and glad she did that!
Then this morning when I got up to get Jonah out of the crib he was naked!! He had put all his blankets and such over the railing, took off his pajamas, and even his full diaper! Luckily, he was just wet and there was no other accidents that I could feel!! I couldn't believe my little boy!! I was surprised to see him and he was so happy! :)

I found this on a friends website so I thought I would copy...Jocelyn 10, Ammon 7, Emma 5

1. What is something Mom always says to you?
J-Get up
A-Make your bed
E-Wake Up

2.What makes Mom happy?
J obedient Children
A obedient children
E clean the playroom when she doesn't ask you

3.What makes Mom sad?
J not obedient children
A not obedient children
E not obedient children

4. How does your Mom make you laugh?
J saying a joke
A tickling me
E tickling me

5. What was your Mom like as a child?
J perfect, obedient
A obedient
E be nice to other people

6. How old is your Mom?
J 34
A 34
E 34

7. How tall is your Mom?
J 5'3"
A 5'4"
E 10'3"

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
J clean
A taking care of her children
E clean up

9. What does your Mom do when your not around?
J clean
A go on the computer
E go to the gym

10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
J cook
A cook
E cook

11. What is your Mom really good at?
J helping
A taking care of her children
E making yummy food

12. What is your Mom not really good at?
J nothing
A playing video games
E brushing other people's teeth...holding on to my chin

13. What does your Mom do for a job?
J taking care of your children
A takeing care of us
E being a Mom

14. What is your Mom's favorite kind of food?
J Mexican haystacks
A lasagna
E mexican haystacks

15. What makes you proud of your Mom?
J she's my mom
A she makes me a yummy lunch every day
E she plays with me

16. If your Mom was a cartoon character which one would she be?
J Queen of Genovea--Princess Diaries
A Susan on Johnny Test--she is a scientist?
E Princess

17. What do you and your mom do together?
J email each other
A play checkers
E play Barbies

18. How are you and your Mom the same?
J both have ulove(our name) email address
A sometimes have the same eye color
E both have short hair

19. How are you and your Mom different?
J she's older
A I'm a boy, you're a girl
E you're bigger than me, I'm smaller

20. How do you know your Mom loves you?
J she shows it
A she takes care of me
E she kisses us

21.Where is your Mom's favorite place to go?
J shopping
A her parent's house
E shopping

What does this tell me? I am really focused on a clean house, obedient children, and like to go shopping....never buy anything for myself. But really like to go out with Adam on our dates!!! My kids are well feed and they enjoy the food I make...or is it the treats we make???!!! I'm glad my kids think I love them because I really do!!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Ryan's in Preschool

I couldn't handle things with Ryan after last Friday. He had managed to get my (actually, it belongs to the landlord) vacuum cleaner and decided to throw it into the pond next door to the left of us. We have had many complaints with him throwing rocks and things into the ponds around us....not to mention our own!! He finds the craziest things and they end up into our yard or the neighbors. Previously in the week I had a knock on my door from an angry man who had been driving by and Ryan was out throwing rocks into the street. He said they almost hit his car and if he would've been driving his nicer car I would have to pay for a new paint job of a few thousand dollars. I don't really appreciate the threats of others and was rather upset. But after my neighbor brought over my vacuum that had been in their pond for the past 24 hrs I didn't know where else to turn but PRESCHOOL! There is a Lutheran church down the street that has a preschool. I decided to look into my budget and see if I could afford it. I can with only have 1 kid play sports this spring. This will only be these last 3 months of the school year. I thought at least right now let's do it....we'll think about the fall later. So, he went this last Tuesday and I stayed for a bit, then left when he was being difficult because "Mom was around". His teacher, Ms. Childers, said things went much better after I left. Thursday, Adam dropped him off and he had "Chapel". So, he has his school uniform shirt to wear. He can pretty much wear anything else so I'm glad. He likes going to school and I think it's good for the both of us right now. Maybe I can get the playroom organized the next couple times so they can play games, puzzles, etc. without the other stuff everywhere.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Jocelyn has learned the expensive way of fighting over a toy with brother, Ammon. It wasn't your typical Monday night with FHE, but Mom was finishing the dishes, Dad and Grandma and Grandpa Hanson were just visiting from Utah via Boise, ID and the kids were supposed to be getting ready for bed. Jocelyn and Ammon were "taking turns" with the toy game..Bop-it. This game takes on new meaning....Jocelyn and Ammon began pulling at the game and wanting to have their turn. After pulling back and forth Ammon decided to let go, and Bop-it! right into Jocelyn's mouth!! Her two bottom teeth, permenant, were broken nearly in half. We were able to salvage half of one tooth. Jocelyn was crying and I went up to check things out. Her mouth was bleeding and I was amazed the damage one toy could do. We had just canceled our dental insurance so I was not wanting to go to the dentist to pay for such an expensive procedure. I said to Adam that we should talk to his dad and wishing we were in Coeur d'Alene so we could go see him. We did get it arranged to send Jocelyn on the airplane the next morning--5:00 a.m. flight to Spokane. She had to change planes in Portland, but she was nicely accompanied by the flight personel of Alaska/Horizon Airlines. We were very nervous about sending her on an airplane by herself. She had never wanted to do it in the past. At least, Adam was able to go straight to the gate and see her board as well as Grandma Sally being on the opposite end to pick her up. She had a great time being with Grandma and Grandpa, lots of Aunts and Uncles, seeing old friends, and just getting some personal attention. I was glad to have her come back the next evening and see her pretty teeth fixed. Thanks again Grandpa (Dr.) Doug!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Something new is starting....

I'm going to start getting with technology and start our own blog!! I know I've enjoyed looking at other blogs so why not start a little family storytelling of our own. I don't know much of what to do but we'll see how fast I can learn!! We are coming to you from Eagle Point, Oregon...which is about 7-9 miles outside of Medford. Pretty country living with a view of a beautiful golf course in my backyard. My kids keep me busy with just picking up after them and keeping their meals ahead of their stomachs!! Adam is loving working with Providence Medical Group as their Senior Business Operations Manager. Jocelyn is learning the hard way of being responsible but doing great as being a missionary to her friend, Carolyn, and we have had missionaries teaching her in our home. Ammon loves to play GI Joe, Army, etc. with his friends at recess and read books. Emma wants to just play with her toys. Ryan likes watching all sorts of movies from Finding Nemo to Disney Princess Christmas...of course his new thing is getting naked. One day he got naked at least 10 times!! I had Adam dress him when he got home because I was just tired of doing it---again!!! Jonah is learning to hold his own and learning how to communicate with hitting my arm to get my attention. We hope you will all enjoy reading our tales of life!