Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Weekend April 11-12, 2009

We had a good time hunting eggs at the "Outback" (where they have the 2nd graders) and then again in the Walmart parking lot in our community of Eagle Point. They had different sections for the different ages but lots of children came to participate. At the school they had free baskets, egg dye, grass, etc. all given through Walmart...things that didn't sell in past years! It was great because I really didn't have a basket for Jonah and Ammon had received one from his teacher the day previous. The parking lot was great fun but it was easily all done in about 5 minutes at both events. Jocelyn was sick that night with the flu so the next day I stayed home with her and Jonah and prepared our Easter dinner. We had ham, yummy potatoes, fruit and veggie platter, deviled eggs, and some rolls that were real sinkers...missing Grandma Sally's homemade orange rolls!!! The kids wanted me to do another egg hunt but I just never got around to it with Jocelyn getting sick....didn't get the time to fill the plastic eggs with candy. They got plenty anyhow. Nice to remind the kids that Easter is more than what goes on commercially but remember that it's the atonement and Resurrection of the Savior. The kids looked nice in their new outfits...Jocelyn didn't wears hers, but the boys and Emma looked cute with new clothes!! I even bought Ammon a suit for his baptism coming up June 6th!! Jonah and Ryan look cute as twins don't you think?!


Jennie and Jeff said...

Cute pictures, Looks like you guys are having fun. Soccer is the best. I remeber Jocelyn playing with your hair. Her hair is georgeous now.