Sunday, August 15, 2010

We finally made it!!

We have lived in So. Oregon for almost two years and have finally made it to Crater Lake. It was a great Sunday afternoon, free to enter the park today (saved $10), filled my car with gas yesterday in preparation, and took our picnic lunch/dinner. We didn't stay long but it was truly perfect weather, low 70's. If you want to come visit us we would love to take you there and see this beautiful place.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Have You Waited Long Enough??

I know it's been forever since I last happens and I forget how to post pictures, so I think writing is lame. I have to at least update my background once in awhile. I add to change it for the next major holiday....Memorial Day/Flag Day/4th of July. I have come to realize that these are my favorite holidays. I am Proud to be a citizen of the United States of America and I'm proud to have had family serve in the military. Grateful for my Grandpa who fought during WWII on the beaches in Normandy, my dad active in the Air Force for 20 years, and have had 2 of my brothers serve in the armed forces, even having to go across seas. The United States of America is for freedom to all...but not without a price. I hope everyone will remember this great land of which most of us live and think about how much this country is worth to you. I say, "It's Priceless."